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Efficient Project Manager (Components 3 & 4) Summary

19 May 2022   By   Share
For project managers as well as a wider audience of decision-makers.

Leading a project: an enterprise approach

Component 3: Developing anticipation support tools, that is not only measuring.

Measurement for measurement automatically generates repressive monitoring without contributing to the limitation of excesses. Only the installation of genuine anticipation support tools, integrating risk and threat management, will allow to avoid wrong tracks.

Key factors

  • 6th key factor: Measuring performance to assist decision making and only for that reason.
    Measurement is not an end in itself. Without a real ambition to support leading and decision-making, it is useless to waste time measuring performance.
  • 7th key factor: Not contenting oneself with measuring deadlines and costs without following up on issues.
    It is a tradition to pay very careful attention to the costs and deadlines measurement. This concern, although justified, is far from being enough. For not losing sight of the target, it is essential to complement these measures with a concrete issues follow-up.
  • 8th key factor: Adapting a continuous-improvement approach.
    Success of the project will not be attainable only by focusing on the objective to reach, but well and truly by adopting a continuous-improvement approach. Performance needs also to be measured according to the so-called "transversal" progress component.
  • 9th key factor: Anticipating failure possibilities.
    If it is not conceivable to envisage all the possible occuring situations, there is nothing to stop us from identifying and then, if the need arises, guarding against foreseeable failure possibilities. The monitoring of project risks unfolds in five major phases.
  • Eight measures to build an efficient assistance to anticipation and management.

Component 4: Making integration easier, that is not only implementing.

Fragmented project approaches are behind the creation of new boundaries which are a genuine rupture of continuity at the organizational, technological and cultural level.
  • 10th key factor: Integrating projects in the value chain.
    An entreprise project is bound to make its contribution to the value-creation process. Its integration in the global value chain will be expressed in organizational, technoological and cultural dimensions.
  • 11th key factor: Maintaining an active leading of change from start to finish.
    The leading of change is not just a phase of the project management. For a perfect integration, it is essential to maintain an active leading of change, from the beginning to the end, starting from the first draft of the project and maintaining the effort far beyond implementation.
  • 12th key factor: Integrating direct and indirect costs of the integration process in the initial budgets
    Costs of the the leading of change are rarely estimated at their true value at the time of the elaboration of initial budgets. Without budget, by definition, all good resolutions go unheeded.
  • Seven measures to successfully manage the integration of the new resolution

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